Royal Microfinance’s Loan Product

RMCL has developed Collateral free loan for the low income families and non Collateral loan for the entrepreneurs. Its loan products are specially designed for income generating activities of members.

1. General Loan

This loan is provided to generate income of members. Loan is disbursed to the borrowers for all types of productive purpose and business i.e. small shops, small trading, cash crop farming etc. Initial Loan size start from NRs. 50,000.00 then after the loan amount can be increased up to NRs. 20,000.00 in each cycle of new loan. It can be disbursed up to NRs. 200,000.00.

2. Business Group loan

Business Group Loan has developed and targeted to small businesses and entrepreneurs. Group are formed from five to ten business members, who are running small businesses and needed additional working capital to increase business. This loan can be disbursed Up to NRs. 80,000.00 in first cycle and increases gradually by NRs. 30,000.00. Maximum ceiling of this loan is NRs. 2,00,000.00.

3. Discipline members Loan

This loan is designed for good and disciplines members; those members are eligible for this loan who have completed first cycle of loan with maintaining good credit track. The main purpose of this loan is to encourage good member, fulfill seasonal needs and upgrade the existing business of members. Maximum ceiling of this loan is NRs. 20,000.00

4. Foreign Employment Loan

Foreign employment is provided to the family member of the Center members to go abroad for foreign employment. Those members are eligible for this loan who have completed first cycle of loan with maintaining good credit track.

5. Educational Loan

This loan is designed for the children of the members to study in school, college and university in Nepal and Abroad, those members are eligible for this loan who have completed one year of general loan with maintaining good credit track.

6. Micro Enterprise Loan

Microenterprises Loan is Collateral Base Loan. This loan has developed to commence and expansion businesses. Those members can enjoy this loan who have enough entrepreneurial skills and knowledge to start up microenterprises. The maximum ceiling of microenterprise loan is up to NRs. 20,00,000.00 with sufficient collateral.

7. Agriculture Production Loan

  • Crops/Agronomy Loan
  • Horticulture Loan
  • Floriculture Loan
  • Bee Keeping/Apiculture Loan

8. Livestock Loan

Livestock loan is designed to provide to support the production of milk and milk products, meat and meat products through buffalo and cow (cattle) farming, poultry farming, pig farming, goat farming and fish farming etc.

  • Milk Production Loan
  • Goat Farming Loan
  • Poultry Farming Loan
  • Pig Farming Loan
  • Pig Farming Loan